视频制作 > Featured Articles

今天的流媒体制作规模从通过网络摄像头捕获的即兴在线广播,并在公司防火墙内交付,到大规模的专业多摄像机制作,在全球范围内流式传输. 与教程,  评论, and analysis from leading producers, the content on this page looks at preproduction, 音频和视频捕获, 编码, and especially the gear and strategies essential for successful 流媒体.

Save your seat for 纽约流媒体 this May. 现在注册!

Review: BirdDog X1 20X PTZ Cam

安东尼·布罗卡斯介绍百家乐软件app最新版下载在新的X1 PTZ摄像头的全新鸟狗, which departs from past models with a new design featuring a Wi-Fi antenna, 光环统计, 人工智能跟踪, an industry-first e-ink display for confidence monitoring.

Tutorial: Capturing Video over USB 3.0 with AJA U-TAP 3G-SDI and HDMI Devices

本教程解释了如何使用AJA U-TAP系列设备捕获高达1920x108060fps的全高清信号,并突出了macOS和Windows Zoom的OBS摄取

百家乐app下载 2024

Is the state of education video in 2024 the quiet before or after the storm? With a pandemic in the rearview mirror, 在新常态下,企业规模的视频托管和管理服务能否以学校愿意承担的价格保持盈利,我们将面临一个十字路口. It's unlikely that we'll cross a point of no return this year, 但我建议密切关注一些迹象,这些迹象可能会减轻或加剧人们对学校在长期未来拥有一定程度的所有权和控制权所依赖的视频服务的担忧.

Buyers' Guide: 在线直播 Software

本文介绍了在制作实时切换视频时可以选择的12个选项:Boinx mimoLive, 广播Pix教堂Pix, Ecamm生活, ManyCam, 奥林匹克广播服务公司工作室, PRISM Live Studio, Vizrt TriCaster, Telestream Wirecast, vMix, Vimeo直播工作室, 和XSplit广播

Buyers' Guide: Field Monitors, Monitor/Recorders, and Recorders

虽然看起来很奇怪, there are other essential production tools used in the field besides camcorders, 麦克风, and the switchers and encoders for live-switched streams. 从历史上看,现场监控器是奢侈品,大多数工作人员除了在高端拍摄时不会使用. 现场监视器以前稀缺的一个原因是,可以连接到摄像机的便携式CRT显示器价格昂贵,而且对于奔跑和射击的产品来说过于笨重. 直到大约20年前, 甚至在专业设备上安装彩色取景器或彩色翻转取景器的想法都是痴人说梦.


Magewell's new Director Mini is a mini marvel. 这个5.5" "all-in-one" production tool with a $1,299 street price can mix multiple inputs and do picture-in-picture graphics, 音频混合, 记录, 流媒体, 和更多的, as IEBA's Anthony Burokas explains in this in-depth review.

OBSBOT Tail Air AI-Powered PTZ Streaming Camera

本评论将着眼于围绕创新的OBSBOT尾部空气PTZ凸轮构建的一套有趣的产品, which has entered the NDI ecosystem. The individual cameras retail for $499, and OBSBOT lent 流媒体 three of them for this review, 以及一些配件来展示他们如何在工作室或现场制作中一起工作.

The 2023 流媒体 Readers' Choice Awards

读者已经说过! Here we present North America's top tech solutions of 2023, as chosen by the readers of 流媒体.

Cloud Atlas: MovieLabs’ 2030 Vision Roadmap for Industry-Wide M & E互操作性

MovieLabs的首席技术官Jim Helman讨论了他为好莱坞电影公司创建内容分类标准的经验, 以及MovieLabs的十年战略,将互操作性带给尽可能多的供应商. 赫尔曼帮助创建的娱乐标识注册表(EIDR)是一个内容标识,现在拥有超过2个.8 million records modernizing many aspects of production and operations. 他还将向我们介绍行业对“2030愿景”战略的最新反应,该战略旨在为媒体创作技术带来互操作性, requiring less custom engineering and better communications between software, 基础设施, 和服务.

Tutorial: Advanced 在线直播 and Recording with the AJA HELO PLUS

视频医生的专栏作家Robert Reinhardt讨论了一些他最喜欢的新AJA HELO Plus高级流媒体和录音设备的功能,在这个新的教程视频. A longtime user of the original HELO in his own professional live productions, discusses the new chassis design, new layout features for picture-in-picture 和更多的, 流媒体 to two destinations simultaneously, 新的SRT支持, 和更多的.


流媒体100强再次回归流媒体年度榜单,该榜单将展示该行业最具创新性和影响力的技术供应商, 服务提供商, 平台, and media and content companies, as acclaimed by our editorial team. Some are large and established industry standard-bearers, 而其他公司规模相对较小,相对较新,刚刚开始引起轰动. 所有这些公司都以其创新的方法和对流媒体领域的扩展和成熟的贡献使自己脱颖而出.

Review: Blackmagic Design ATEM Television Studio HD8 ISO, 工作室相机6K Pro, 和ATEM麦克风转换器

The Blackmagic Design Television Studio ATEM HD8 ($2,995美元)和HD8 ISO(3美元),995) are all-in-one HD video switcher/broadcast control panels. 就其本身而言,它们是非常有能力的高清视频切换适合工作室安装和远程制作. 这些开关的神奇之处在于,当与其他支持的黑魔法装备配对时, 它们可以解锁独特的生产工作流程解决方案,这些解决方案易于实施,并且远远超出了您期望桌面视频切换器能够自行完成的功能.

回顾:Magewell USB Fusion

USB Fusion是一种可以在生产环境中用于本地内容提要/源的设备. It can be used to input various sources such as HDMI devices, 网络摄像头, USB麦克风, 视频, 图片, screenshares, 还有其他项目. USB融合被吹捧为一种工具,使您的在线讲座和虚拟事件更引人入胜,并轻松地将众多百家乐软件组合成有吸引力的远程教育现场演示, 在线研讨会, 在线直播, 视频会议.

Review: Skyglass: Movie Effects Camera App

Want to generate and produce 视频 in dynamic, 详细的, 还有可定制的虚拟环境,只需要智能手机内置的视频功能和一个订阅服务应用程序? Skyglass Movie Effects Camera App makes it possible, and IEBA Communications' Anthony Burokas explains how.

A Broadcaster’s Cloud Migration Primer


评测:GoPro Hero11 Black

Well-known as an action camera for capturing on-the-go video, the GoPro is popular with those involved in sports, 水下活动, 捕捉卡通镜头, 以及许多其他用例. 然而, GoPro Hero11 Black还可以作为一个高质量的网络摄像头,用于会议或使用Zoom等网络应用程序的在线会议, 微软团队, 和去会议, 它可以部署在youtube用户和视频播客的生产流媒体工作流程中.

流媒体’s 引领潮流的产品 and Services of 2023

A 详细的 guide to 流媒体's 引领潮流的产品 and Services of 2023.


今天的专业PTZ摄像机与其前身的安全摄像机完全不同. Now you can find models with all the professional features, 技术, and hardware that you find on professional camcorders and digital cine cameras. 在此PTZ买家指南, 我将解释其中的许多功能,以便您在自己的视频制作工作流程中评估PTZ摄像机时做出明智的决策.

Buyers’ Guide: Cellular Bonding Solutions

Thanks to bonding and some of the other technologies discussed in this guide, 发送故障的日子, buffering video to viewers should be behind us. Read on to learn about the many options available, at a wide variety of price points, to ensure that 流媒体 professionals can deliver the best video possible.


Video's role in schools is taken for granted entering 2023, although we should expect to see changes, 潜在的破坏性的, 随着学校继续适应COVID-19紧急状态阶段的后果,教育视频市场也出现了巨大的增长. Despite the widely held belief that video is essential to school operations, expect to see schools roll back their investments in video services, while educators seek out ways to go beyond the basics of video delivery, 寻找更好的方法,用同步和异步视频吸引学生.