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The Struggle for Br和 Identity Across Multiplatform Streaming Apps


一项来自 Hub娱乐研究 shows that viewers are still chasing shows rather than specific streaming br和s, which poses challenges for programming providers looking to create a consistent br和 identity across various platforms. James Lauzun MagellanTV 还有汤姆Hurlbutt Crunchyroll also addressed this issue during a recent 流媒体连接2024 session, "Mind the App: Streaming UX Design Best Practices."

Hub娱乐研究的研究报告视频品牌的演变,” showed that the option-heavy streaming ecosystem has made it challenging for viewers to differentiate between platforms. While t在这里 is a large-scale awareness of the major streaming platforms such as 网飞公司, Hulu, '视频, consumers are not clear on what differentiates them.

“As big streamers aim to be all things for all people, viewers are struggling to identify what distinguishes them from each other,Jason Platt Zolov说, 枢纽顾问.  “Until streamers develop more br和-defining features, 观众的忠诚度岌岌可危, consumers will continue to churn as they chase shows across services.”

然而, the aftereffects of the strikes 和 decreasing content budgets may be reducing consumers' tendencies to sign up for a service to watch one show, which is reflected in the drop in respondents in 2024 who said they signed up for a service only for one show.

一个例外是 孔雀, which saw an increase in the number of people who signed up to watch a specific show. Hub 研究的调查是在 国家橄榄球联盟 playoffs when many signed up for 孔雀 to watch the Chiefs/Dolphins game.  

The difficulties of solidifying br和 identity are even more pressing for newer or lower-profile platforms. 一些品牌, 比如麦哲伦电视, have adapted to whichever platform is used rather than maintaining a consistent design.

“How we look at it is ab和oning the idea that Magellan will look 和 feel the same way on every platform,James Lauzun说, 首席产品官, MagellanTV. “现在太难了. 平台太多了,, 以更好地帮助用户体验, you want your app to feel like it was built for that platform. I think we can aid in communications 和 help our users by trying not to preserve an identical experience, 而是保留设计的特性, but not necessarily the same specific experience.”

汤姆Hurlbutt, 产品管理高级总监, Crunchyroll, 说他们的主要目标是促进粉丝. “They come because they have a deep connection to the universe’s IP in 和 of itself. 他们与故事紧密相连, 的字符, 序列, 这个动作, 音乐, 以及周围的一切. And w在这里 Crunchyroll comes in is being that facilitator of f和om.他们的目标, 他说, is to be more content-adjacent rather than platform-adjacent, which is a more organic approach for their users. “Rather than trying to be something for everyone, (我们)试图成为某人的一切, w在这里 [they] feel like the Crunchyroll allows them to be the true fan that they are.”

View an excerpt of “Mind the App: Streaming UX Design Best Practices” from 流媒体连接2024:

See videos of the full program from 流媒体 Connect February 2024 在这里.

We'll be back in person for 纽约流媒体 May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.


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